Sometimes you can include code for debugging that you do not want to have pushed to the production environment. Git allows for hooks to run against code as you are committing it to your repository.

In the .git/hooks directory you will find several sample files that you can modify to run against your code.

Here is an example of the pre-commit hook code that I use for a Rails project. I removed the .sample extenstion, and I set the LIST variable to contain the list of strings that I don’t want to appear in my production code.

if git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1; then
for FILE in `git diff-index --name-status --cached $against -- | cut -c3-` ; do
    # Check if the file contains one of the words in LIST
    if grep -w $LIST $FILE; then
      echo $FILE " has one of the words you don't want to commit. Please remove it."
      exit 1

But, what if I want to override this and include, say, a console.log() in my production code? In that case, you can include --no-verify in your commit command, and it wil skip the hook for that one commit.